Creative Collection Solutions
for medical and dental practices in South Florida
Improve Cash Flow with Smart Collections!
In most practices a small percentage of claims do not get resolved and can be difficult to conclude
You typically file tracers and make phone calls to the insurance companies but, unfortunately receive marginal response. This small percentage of claims may remain uncollected for months! Since you are not setup as a collection agency to deal with these unpaid accounts, you're often faced with two difficult choices. Write off the unpaid accounts or refer them to a hard-core collection agency. In which case your practice loses 35 to 50 percent of the value of the claim. Additionally, your practice will most likely lose the patient as a client. Harsh collection measures usually result in the loss of patient goodwill.
In summary, what we wish to provide you is an ability to close the book on every insurance claim by utilizing this service only on those specific claims requiring this type of additional effort. We will provide this at a fee which frankly is not possible for your practice or your staff to approach, not even considering the impact and effectiveness of our national collection program.
Unlike other collection agencies, past-due accounts are instructed to pay you directly. You collect from both patients and insurance companies.
Reduce internal costs by as much as 30% and your collection costs by as much as 50% by using our collection system.
You decide when to start collection activity, when to stop, and how you want each account handled; diplomatically or intensively.